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XEIC!: 15 anys!

Xeic! It is not only an ancestral expression, but it is a cry for freedom that, through music, has fought for ideals and the desire to enjoy doing so. The group was born next to the Ebro, now just fifteen years ago, but has managed to expand its roots from north to south and from east to west, spreading throughout the territory this combative and festive cry that has characterized it so much since its beginnings.During these years touring countless stages and after eight albums published, now it's time to stop, reflect and take a retrospective look to highlight the work done. For this reason, the Ebro band makes available to its followers its first album from 2008: 'Xeic!', with which it became known to the general public.

This self-titled debut album was self-released and is now released by the Picap label. It is made up of 13 titles such as 'Lo crit del 38', 'Terres de l'Ebre', 'Prou!' and 'Sigues lliure', among others. With these songs, Xeic! It was born claiming the territory and its history, while sharing rural, close and daily experiences. With a festive spirit and incorporating street music into the group, they created protest lyrics that can be extrapolated to anyone. The high point was with the album ‘Delta’ (Picap, 2019).

XEIC! 15 anys!

But they not only remember their first album from 2008, but they also present a work of five unreleased songs titled '15 anys', a journey between the ancestral and the modern to celebrate 15 years on stage and end their musical career . In this new installment, Xeic! invites us on a journey through his career with experiences applicable to different life situations, with hope and optimism as protagonists. Maintaining their style that characterizes them so much, they also explore with a modern and electronic sound, more similar to their latest work 'Delta' (Picap, 2019).

Throughout 2024, the band originally from Rasquera (Catalonia) will offer a great farewell that will also serve to celebrate their 15 years on stage - the band does not include the year 2020 in the calculation due to the pandemic. In all this time and with eight albums released, Xeic! He has performed more than 400 concerts throughout the Catalan territory, France, the Basque Country and Switzerland, playing in the best squares and festivals, and sharing the stage and collaborations with the best artists of the Catalan music scene. 

Don't miss the closing of a stage for Xeic! who, as is tradition, will fill the streets, halls and all the festivals in the territory with their music!


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