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Èric Vinaixa presents 'Les nits de juny', the fourth single from his latest album

Who we could say that he is an artist from head to toe is undoubtedly, Èric Vinaixa. Singer, musician, composer, producer and son of Miravet. With only 6 years old he began to study music and a year later, to play instruments. His first two albums were with Rodamons, a group that made him gain media relevance after accumulating several awards until receiving the Catalan Record of the Year 2005 awarded annually by Radio 4. He has performed in major Catalan venues such as Bikini or Luz de Gas, at the Palau de la Música Catalana and renowned festivals such as Senglar Rock or the Mercè Festival in Barcelona, even in the Camp Nou. He has also participated several years in the Disco de La Marató de TV3.

Èric Vinaixa ‘Les nits de juny’

In 2010 he presented his first solo album 'La famosa gemma de Galveston'. And last year he presented 'La més bonica història', a sixth album, the fourth solo, full of emotions and truth. In 'La més bonica història', the musician evolved towards a more luminous and positive atmosphere, without losing his essence, which is based on precious arrangements and more humanistic lyrics than ever. In this way, he presented us with a fusion of pop, soul, rock and singer-songwriter songs, as few know how to do it.

Now, Èric Vinaixa presents 'Les nits de juny', the fourth single from his latest album. A song that invites us to wake up from the dark and cold winter, to go out and look for the colors and perfumes of the warm nights. A soft pop melody to feel more alive than ever, to smile in peace and embrace those who want to be our traveling companions. 


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